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Como Lake Limited Edition 2021 There is 1 product.



'That branch of the Lake of Como, which extend towards the south, is enclosed by two unbroken chains of mountains..' So is the opening of the Betrohed, a novel by eminent writer Alessandro Manzoni set in Lecco and on the beaches of our magnificent lake.

This year We celebrate the 55th anniversary of the tobaccoist...



'That branch of the Lake of Como, which extend towards the south, is enclosed by two unbroken chains of mountains..' So is the opening of the Betrohed, a novel by eminent writer Alessandro Manzoni set in Lecco and on the beaches of our magnificent lake.

This year We celebrate the 55th anniversary of the tobaccoist's running bussines. Our Tabaccheria Corti lies in Lecco, the main setting described by Manzoni in his masterpiece.

To celebrate this milestone We considered engaging in collaboration with renowned factory Castello wich can be foud in the lake's nearby area.

After an accurate consideration , Kino . Castello's, chied and a dear friend of ours - enthusiastically agreed on Our big project. We chose to manufacture one-one-of-a-kind asmoking pipe thta could combine our bussines with our shared surroundings. WE CALLED IT 'LAKE COMO'

What We wanted to create was something extraordinary. 

Under Kino's lead, the artisan working at the Castello gave birth to a smoking pipe both practical and unique, yet portraying the characterisic style of Castello, therefore exclusive and appealing to the collectors. 

So this project got going in a 55-piece limited edition batch feauturing a silver ferrule with our lake's silhouette egraved upon It's surface. 

It's classic in It's form, as well-balanced. It's a shape resembles our lake's, therefore making for a unique,peculiar and impossible to manufacture again. This pipe belong's to the " Lake Como" collection produced in 2021 and featuring 55 items just for Us.

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  • Code: Ca505F  Pipe Castello - Castello "Lake Como'' Limited Edition, this is a truly gem, made few years ago and It belong to a limited edition series, very special. - in 2021, we decided to create a partnership with Castello for a limited edition to celebrate Our shop and the famous Lake como!  Pipe Numerated 20 of 55. Unsmoked The pipe will be shipped...

    737,70 €
    737,70 € Tax Free Available
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